Prof (Mrs) F. B. Kennedy

Prof(Mrs) F. B. Kennedy
BBA Hons (EUSL), MBA (UoR), PhD(Annamali)
Professor in Management
Department of Management
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Telephone: +94 65 224 0490 (Office), +94 65 222 3050 (Res)
Full Name: F.B.Kennedy
Permanent Address: 54/14 Music Lane, Tharmarakerny, Batticaloa
Official Address: Department of Management, Eastern University, Chenkalady, 30350, Sri Lanka
Academic Position: Professor in Management
Academic Qualifications:
- PhD from Annamalai University, Chithamparam, India
- Master of Business Administration 2009, Rajarata University, Sri Lanka (RUSL).
- Bachelor of Business Administration 2nd Class Upper Division 1999 Eastern University Sri Lanka (EUSL).
Nationality: Sri Lankan
Date of Birth: 6th June 1975
Gender: Female
Marital Status: Married
Links to Publications
- Premarathna, M. D., & Kennedy, F. B. (2021). Factors Affecting Consumer Buying Behavior for Prima Stella Dairy Products. Journal of Business Economics, 3(1), 70-79, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.ISSN 2682-6933/ E-ISSN 2705-9944
- Krishanthanie, R., & Kennedy, F. B. (2021). Impact of Covert Marketing on Young Consumers Buying Behavior Special Reference to Fast Food Industry. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 11(3), 1-11.ISSN 2250-3153
- Jayarathna, D. C., & Kennedy, F. B. (2020). Service brand attachment on customer citizenship behavior: The mediating role of perceived value. Journal of Management Matters, Faculty of Management Studies, Rajarata University of Sri Lanka, 07(2), 79-93.ISSN-1391-7099
- Jayalath, M. M. S. M., & Kennedy, F. B. (2020). Celebrity Endorsement towards Brand Switching Behavior with Special Reference to Sri Lanka Mobile Telecommunication Industry in Badulla District. Journal of Business Economics, 02(2), 80-91, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka ISSN 2682-6933/ E-ISSN 2705-9944
- Chavindi, B. P., and Kennedy, F. B. (2020) Market Orientation on Tourism Service Performance: The Mediating Role of E-Marketing. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 20(4), 33-43.ISSN: 2456-639X DOI: 10.9734/AJEBA/2020/v20i430331
- Yapa, Y. M. N. S., and Kennedy, F. B. (2020) Impact of loyalty programmes on brand loyalty (With special reference to Dialog Axiata and Mobitel Company in Badulla District) Mentor/Journal of Business Studies, 04(2), 55-69, Eastern University, Sri LankaISSN (Print) 1800-1548, ISSN (Online) 2738-2257
- Thanushan, K., and Kennedy, F. B. (2020). Brand Equity and Brand Loyalty: The Mediating Effect of Customer Satisfaction A Comparative Study On Companies With Brand Change. International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, 10(12), 456-469. DOI:10.29322/IJSRP.10.12.2020.
p10850 RP.10.12.2020.p10850 ISSN 2250-3153 - Sewanthy, and Kennedy, F. B. (2020). Mobile Phone Brand Equity and Purchase Intention: The Mediating Effect of Brand Preferences. International Journal of Research GRANTHAALAYAH, 08(11), 95 – 99.DOI:
ranthaalayah.v8.i11.2020.2272 ISSN (Print): 2394-3629 ISSN (Online): 2350-0530 - Nidarsha, J.S., and Kennedy, F. B. (2020). Impact of Visual Merchandising on Impulse Buying: A study on Clothing segment in Kurunegala District. Mentor/Journal of Business Studies, 04(01), 18-29, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.ISSN (Print) 1800-1548, ISSN (Online) 2738-2257
- Kennedy, F. B., and Vimala, B. (2018).Internal factors on impulse buying behaviour special reference to apparels. International Journal of Advanced Research and Development, 03(1), 74-77.ISSN: 2455-4030
- Powrani, K., and Kennedy, F. B. (2018).The Effects of Guerrilla Marketing on Generation y Consumer’s Purchase Intention. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 07(1), 1-12.ISSN: 2456-639X
- Kennedy, F. B., and Vimala, B. (2017).Cultural Factors through urge influence on Impulse Buying Behaviour of Working Women. Research Journal of Economics & Business Studies, 06(9), 35-43.ISSN: 2251 1555
- Kennedy, F. B., and Vimala, B. (2017). Situational Factors influences on Impulse Buying Behaviour of Working Women in Informal Sector. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 05(4).ISSN: 2091-2730
- Kennedy, F. B., and Vimala, B. (2017). Store environmental factors on impulse buying behaviour special reference to apparels in Batticaloa District, Sri Lanka. International Journal of Academic Research and Development, 02(6), 962-965.ISSN: 2455-4197
- Kennedy, F. B., and Vimala, B. (2017).Visual Merchandizing on Impulse Buying Behaviour of Working Women in Formal Sector. Research Journal of Social Science and Management, 07(6), 71-75.ISSN: 2251 - 1571
- Lavan, N., and Kennedy, F. B. (2017). Green Purchase Intention on Consumer Decision Making towards Green Products. Asian Journal of Economics, Business and Accounting, 05(1), 1-7. ISSN: 2456-639X
- Kennedy, F. B., and Udunuwara, U. K. M. I. (2017). Religiosity on Consumer Behaviour, special reference to green food consumption. International Journal of Engineering Research and General Science, 05(3), 201-208.ISSN 2091-2730
Full research paper in National and International Research Conference
- Maheswaranathan S. and Kennedy F. B. (2010) Impact of Micro-Credit Programs on Eliminating Economic Hardship of Women, ICBI, 2010, University of Kelaniya, Page No. 1-11.Available at:
k/bitstream/handle/123456789/7 170/S%20Maheshwaranathan.pdf?s equence=1&isAllowed=y - Devendra S. and Kennedy F. B. (2015). Customer Employee Relationship and Generating Positive Word-of-Mouth: A study in Colombo District, 4th International Conference on Management and Economics, Page No. 421-432, ICME, 2015, University of Ruhuna.
- Kennedy, F. B. (2015). The Effect of Personality on Impulsive and Compulsive Buying Behaviour, 5th International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka.ISBN: 978-955-627-063-1
- Kanagasingam, V., and Kennedy, F.B (2006). Impact of Tsunami disaster on Tourism as an Industry in the Eastern Province, 5th Annual Research Session 2006 Proceedings, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Kennedy, J., & Kennedy, F. B. (2011). Redefining the Term Microcredit, Proceedings of the International Conference on Management Research, Athenaeum 2011, Bharathidasan Institute of Management, Tiruchirappalli, India.
Abstract in National and International Research Conference
- Minuwampitiyage, K. S., Peiris., and Kennedy, F. B. (2020). The Impact of Work Life Balance Practices on Employee Performance with References to MAS Active Trading Linea Intimo (Pvt.) Ltd. in Biyagama Boi Zone, Annual Research Session 2020, Faculty of Commerce & Management Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Sathyasri., & Kennedy, F. B. (2019). Consumer’s Attitude on Consumer Purchase Intention: An Investigation of Effect of Viral Marketing, 4th Annual Research Conference 2019, Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jayasinghe, J. A. I. D., and Kennedy, F. B. (2019). Impact of Service Quality on Customer Satisfaction of Mobile Broadband Service: Special Reference with Young Consumers in Anuradhapura District, Proceedings of the Annual Research Session, FCM, EUSL, 2019, Page No. 27 ISBN 978-624-5228-01-0
- Victor, L. D., and Kennedy, F. B (2017) Human Resource Management Practices and Service Quality: Reference to Private Hospitals in Sri Lanka, International Conference on Advanced Marketing, 2017, Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, Page No. 28.
- Kennedy, F. B. and Victor, L. D. (2017).Is Consumer Social Responsibility an Output of Religiosity. International Conference on Advanced Marketing 2017. Department of Marketing Management, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka, Page No. 08.
- Kennedy, F. B. (2014). Consumers Impulsive Buying of Apparels, Proceedings Wayamba International Conference (WinC 2014), Wayamba University of Sri Lanka, Page No. 122 ISBN 978-955-4709-18-8
- Kennedy, F. B., and Maheswaranathan, S. (2013). Women Issues: Migrant Workers and their Lives, 4th International Conference on Business and Information (ICBI 2013), University of Kelaniya, Page No. 38 ISBN 978-955-4563-16-2
- Kanagasingam, V., and Kennedy, F. B. (2006). A Study on Factors Influencing Failures of Women’s Entrepreneurship in the Batticaloa District, International Conference- 2006, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Page No. 16.
- Kennedy, F. B. (2021). Body Language the Chapter in Soft Skills: Tune up Yourself, P. Vijaya, G. Balachandar, N. Panchanatham (Eds), LAMBERT Academic Publishing, pp. 245-253. ISBN- 978-620-3-20193-2 Available at
-Skills-Tune-up-Yourself/dp/ 6203201936 - Kennedy,F.B. (2018). ‘திருக்குறளில் ஒழுங்மைத்தல்’, குறள் வழி முகமைத்தும் தொகுப்பு தி. வேல்நம்பி, Pu
blishers: Jaffna Tamil Sangam, pp.67-85. ISBN 9789553527004 - Kennedy, F. B. Challenges faced by executives in Public Service the Chapter in Challenges of Sri Lanka in Future, Faculty of Commerce & Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka to mark the Silver Jubilee: 1981-2006. pp. 8-15.ISSN: 1800-2536
- Author: Florence Bharathy Kennedy Year of Publication: 2021 Title: சந்தைப்படுத்தல் முகாமை
த்துவம் (Written in Tamil) Marketing Management Recognized Publisher: Makudam ISBN: 978-624-5849-11-6 - Author: Florence Bharathy Kennedy, Rajeshwaran N.Year of Publication: 2021Title: Manage Ourselves Towards Goal (An Introduction to Soft Skills) Title: இலக்கை நோக்கி எம்மை முகா
மை செய்வோம் (மென்திறன் பற்றிய ஓர் அறிமுகம்) (Written in Tamil) Recognized Publisher: Makudam ISBN: 978-624-5489-02-4 - Author: Nadarajah Rajeshwaran & Florence Bharathy Kennedy Year of Publication: 2021 Title: Management Accounting Title:முகாமைக் கணக்கீடு (Written in Tamil) Recognized Publisher: Kumaran Book House ISBN: 978-955-659-728-8
Published Edited Book
- Authors: Bharathy Kennedy, Nadarajah Rajeshwaran, B. Vimala, Year of Publication: 2021,Title: Business Transformation: Current Practice and Future Potential (Indo – Sri Lankan Perspective), Recognized Publisher: Empyreal Publishing House in India, UAE, Nigeria, Uzbekistan, Montenegro, ISBN: 978-81-952196-6-7
- Bharathy Kennedy, Year of Publication: 2022, Title: Buying Behaviour, Recognized Publisher: Makudam, Batticaloa, ISBN: 978-624-5849-18-5
Translation and publication of books of Scholarly work
- Kennedy, F. B. Tamil Translation of Financial Accounting study pack in CAB 1 Level for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka in 2010.
- Kennedy, F. B. Tamil Translation of Business Mathematics & Statistics study pack in CAB 1 Level for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka in 2010.
- Kennedy, F. B. Tamil Translation of Management & Business Economics study pack in CAB 1 Level for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka in 2010.
- Kennedy, F. B. Tamil Translation of Management & Business Economics, Commercial Insights for Management, Business Environment & Economics & Management Accounting of study texts for the Institute of Chartered Accountants of Sri Lanka in 2015 & 2020.
Creative Work in Literature
- Kennedy, F. B. (2020). ‘Mundasuk Kaviyin Paapap Paada
lil Mukamaik Karuthukal (முண்டாசுக் கவியின் பாப்பாப் பாடலில் முகாமைக் கரு த்துகள்)’, Published by Makudam Printers, pp. 1-14.ISBN 978-955-4041-25-7 The concepts of management were applied in the Great Poet ‘Mahakavi Bharathi’s’ poem of Paapap Paadal.
Research Interest
- Marketing Management
- Consumer Behaviour
- Micro Finance
- Women Entrepreneurship
- Gender
- Strategic Marketing Management
- Managerial Accounting
- E Marketing
- Marketing Management
- Supply Chain Management
- International Marketing
- Awarded at 3rd International Academic Excellence in 2020 for excellent contribution to the society in Management. Awarded by Environmental Advisory for Sustainable Trust (EAST), Tirunelveli, Tamilnadu, India.
- Awarded 2nd Place at the provincial competition in the Social Service category for a remarkable performance at the Vanithabhimana Provincial Competition 2020.
- Awarded for Recognition of Leadership Commitment and Dedication by Lions Club for the year 2017/2018 Awarded for recognition of quality, service performed in promoting the humanitarian principals by Lions Club for the year 2020/2021
- Awarded Appreciation Award for the Academic Excellence to the Society by Regional Development Bank (RDB) on 08.03.2017.
- Awarded for rendering best services during Tsunami Disaster awarded by District Secretary, Batticaloa Divisional Secretary, Koralai Pattu, Valaichenai.
- Awarded for distinguished services, Loyalty and Dedication in the 25th Silver Jubilee Year 2006 of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Awarded for the appreciation of the contribution made for Humanitarian Services Activities during the year 2014/2015.
Awarded Best Book for the year 2022 - முகாமைக் கணக்கீடு (Written in Tamil) from Cultural Department of Eastern Provincial Council
Awarded Best Book for the year 2022 -இலக்கை நோக்கி எம்மை முகாமை செய்வோம் (மென்திறன் பற்றிய ஓர் அறிமுகம்) (Written in Tamil) from Cultural Department of Eastern Provincial Council
M.P.C.S., Chenkalady Award for the best performance at the First Examination in Commerce and Management
- Merit Pass in the Sri Lanka Accountancy Service at SLIDA in 2002-2003
Positions Held
- Head, Department of Management, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 01.12.2012 to 30.09.2014.
- Director for Gender Equity/ Equality (GEE) Cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for a period of Two years with effect from 18.04.2017 to 17.04.2019.
- Focal Point to the Gender Equity / Equality (GEE) Cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka for a period of One year from 18.04.2016 to 17.04.2017.
- Academic Coordinator to the External Degree Programme- Faculty of Commerce and Management from 01.07.2018 to 30.06.2020.
- Academic Coordinator to the External Degree Programme- Faculty of Commerce and Management from 01.07.2020-14.02.2021
- Deputy Coordinator, Soft skills (Part – Time) to the Operations Technical Secretariat, Higher Education for the Twenty – First Century (HETC) Project, Eastern University, Sri Lankan for a period of one year from 05.09.2012 and extended for one year from 04.09.2013.
- Coordinator UNESCO Participation Programme 2016/17 on ‘Strengthening Gender Equity and Equality and Zero Tolerance for sexual and gender based violence - Project No. 8290113374’.
- Co-ordinator for the Career Guidance Unit (CGU). Eastern University, Sri Lanka for a period of one year from 05.09.2012 to 04.09.2013 and extended from 05.09.2013-02.11.2014