ARS Theme

Honouring the Past, Treasuring the Present and Shaping the Future

ARS objectives

This scholarly forum provides the platform for research students, knowledge seekers and industrialists to exchange and share their knowledge, experiences, innovative ideas and research results about all aspects of business, management and economics while honouring the past, treasuring the present and shaping the future.

The ARSFCM – 2022, especially focuses on undergraduate students of Faculty of Commerce and Management, EUSL to entertain their research findings and exploring innovative research ideas (with regard to regional/national significance) in the field of management, commerce, and economics with the aim:

  • To open an avenue for students and academics to share their thoughts and views through valuable research findings and gain experience in a professional conference environment.
  • To give a chance to undergraduates to share their innovative research ideas in terms of regional and national significance to maximize the impact to the economy, culture and society with the concern to natural environment.
  • To receive useful and constructive interaction on their research from eminent scholars and industrial experts.

ARS schedule date:

Tentatively it is scheduled on 23rd of June 2022

Tracks and Coordinators


Management Associate Prof. J. Sutha
Marketing Management Mrs. V. R. Ragel
Human Resource Management Prof. A. Anton Arulrajah
Accounting and Finance Dr. N. Rajeshwaran
Entrepreneurship Dr. T. Prabaharan
Economics Prof. T. Bhavan
Commerce Dr. S. Balendran

“5” Minute Challenge

Innovative research ideas Open : 30th March 2022

Submission deadline :20th May 2022

Presentation Evaluation and Selection : 30th May 2022

Notification of selection of innovative ideas : 4th June 2021

Important Dates

Call for papers open : 5th February 2022

Paper submission deadline :31st March 2022

Notification to Authors : 5th May 2021

Camera-ready copy submission deadline : 5th June 2022

Registration deadline : 5th June 2022

ARS Date : 3rd August 2022

Organizing Committee Members:

Fund Raising and Media Dr. T. Prabaharan
Dr. S. Balendran
Ms. D. Thavakumar
Budget and FinanceDean, FCM
Dr. N. Rajeswaran
Dr. P. Pretheeba
Hall Arrangements Mrs. S. Maheswaranathan
Mr. S. Thayaraj
Ms. G. Kajenthini
Mr. G. Sathaharan
Ms. S. Babyalini
Lunch and RefreshmentDr. J. Suresh
Dr. S. Balendran
Mr. S. Harishanthan
Proceeding printingProf. T. Bhavan
Mr. T. Dinesh
Ms. S. Neruja
Medals, Certificates, Souvenirs and DocketsAssociate Prof. J. Sutha
Ms. G. Kajenthini
Mr. S. Thayaraj
Ms. V. Niranjani
Web Designing and Banner Printing Mr. T. Dinesh
Mrs. J.R N N Jayawardhana
Mr. S. Harishanthan
Registration (Invitations and Tags)Ms. S. Sritharan
Ms. V.R.Ragel
Mr. T. Paranthaman
Ms. P. Kugathash
Monitoring and Review Process Prof. A. Andrew
Mrs. S. Sritharan
Dr. P. Pretheeba
Ms. K.G.M. Thilakarathna
Ms. S. M.W Dilrukshika
Event ManagementProf. A. Anton Arulrajah
Ms. V.R. Ragel
Dr. J. Suresh

Call for Papers

Papers / Articles are invited on the theme and sub-theme of the conference. All selected, registered and papers will be published in conference proceeding with ISBN.

Guidelines for paper submission

  • An electronic version of manuscript in MS Word must should be sent to & register on
  • Manuscript should be of 5000 to 8000 words approximately.
  • All text should be single space with 1 inch margin on all sides. Use 12 point Times New Roman font with APA style Referencing.
  • The final paper should be accompanied by a declaration of the author that the contribution is his/her own work and it has not been published anywhere else.
  • The first page of the paper should cover Title of the paper, Author's name and designation, Email, Contact Number, Institute's Name and Address. The following page should cover Title of the paper, Abstract, Key words, Introduction, Scope and Objectives, Research Methodology, Data Analysis and Interpretation Inference and Discussion, Outcome.

E-mail and Website for ARS

Editorial Board

Advisory Committee :

Dr. S. JeyarajahDean/ Faculty of Commerce and Management
Prof. P.PeratheepanChairman, Reaserch and Publication Committee
Prof. Thayamini. H. SeranChairperson, Faculty Reaserch Committee, Faculty of Agriculture, EUSL
Dr. T. BhavanChairman, Faculty Reaserch Committee, FCM, EUSL
Dr. M. NadiraChairperson, Faculty Reaserch Committee, FAC, EUSL
Dr. Rajavarthani SanjeevChairperson, Faculty Reaserch Committee, FHCS, EUSL
Dr. N. PratheeshChairman, Faculty Reaserch Committee, FoT, EUSL
Mr.G.A.P.K GanegodaChairman, Faculty Reaserch Committee, FCB / Trincomalee Campus
Mr. M.RamananChairman, Faculty Reaserch Committee,Faculty of Applied Science / Trincomalee Campus
Dr. M. KoneswarnChairman, Faculty Reaserch Committee, FoS, EUSL
Dr. A. Anton ArulrajahHead, Department of Management, FCM, EUSL
Dr. N. RajeshwaranActg. Head, Department of Commerce, FCM, EUSL
Mrs. J. SureshHead, Department of Economics, FCM, EUSL

Contact Us:

Prof. A. Andrew
Faculty of Commerce and Management, EUSL
Tel: 065-2240737 / Mob: 077-3486862

Dr. S. Jeyarajah
Faculty of Commerce and Management,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
065 2240214

Dr. P. Pretheeba
Secretary, ARS-FCM 2022,
Faculty of Commerce and Management,
Eastern University, Sri Lanka