Prof. S. Jeyarajah

Prof. S. Jeyarajah
B.A (Hones) (UJ), M.Phil. (Economics) (UP), PhD (UJ)
Professor in Economics
Department of Economics
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Telephone: +94 65 2240735 (Office), +94 77 6688008(Mob)
Email: /
I have been serving as a Professor in Economics in the Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka. I am an academic dedicated to teaching, learning, and research. I have also served as Dean of the Faculty, Head of the department, Director of the University Business Linkage Cell, Eastern University Sri Lanka, and the Programme Coordinator of the Master’s Degree Programme. I also served as Vice President of the Teachers’ Association of the Eastern University, Sri Lanka. I have been actively involved in the development activities of the University, Faculty, and Department.
Academic Profile
Degree |
Effective Date |
University |
PhD Doctor of Philosophy in Economics |
06.08.2015 |
University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. |
M.Phil Master of Philosophy in Economics |
27.08.2004 |
University of Peradeniya,Sri Lanka. |
B.A (Hones) Special Degree in Economics |
04.08.1993 |
University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka. |
Professional Qualification
- Certified Trainer, SIYB, Sri Lanka.
- Certified Trainer, CEFE NET, Sri Lanka
Academic Work Experience
- Professor in Economics From 24.03.2023 to date Department of Economics Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Senior Lecturer Grade-I From 27.08.2010 to 23.03.2023 Department of Economics Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Senior Lecturer G -II From 27.08.2004 to 26.08.2010 Department of Economics Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Lecturer (Probationary) From 01.08. 1995 to 26.08.2004 Department of Economics Eastern University, Sri Lanka
Personal Profile
Date of Birth: 14th June, 1966
Nationality: Sri Lankan Tamil
Civil status: Married
Sex: Male
Contacts: 24 A, Beach Road, Kaluthavalai-4, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka
+94 652250580, +94 776688008
Links to Publications
- Navirathan. V; Vijayakumar. S; Jeyarajah.S. (2023) Impact of Tourism Sector on the Rural Development of Sri Lanka , International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), Volume. 08 Issue. 01, ISSN - 2456-2165 , PP :- 223-229.
- Navirathan. V; Vijayakumar. S; Jeyarajah.S. (2023) Impact of Tourism Sector on the Rural Development of Sri Lanka, International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology (IJISRT), Volume. 08 Issue. 01, ISSN - 2456-2165 , PP :- 223-229.
- Navirathan V, Vijayakumar S, Jeyarajah S. (2023) Economic impact of covid-19 on the tourism sector in Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Multidisciplinary Research and Development, Volume 10, Issue 1, , Pages 37-45
- Jeyarajah. S, (2022) Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Export in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Research, Vol. 10 Issue 12
- Vinayakamoorthi, V., Saravanamutthu, J., Suresh, J., and Sathasivam, N. (2022). Arima Model for Forecasting the Bitcoin Exchange Rate Against the USD. International Journal of Engineering Science Technologies, 6(5), 59–75
- Jeyarajah. S, (2022) Modeling and Forecasting Using ARIMA: An Empirical Study of GDP in Sri Lanka, International Journal of Research and Publication, Vol 105
- Jeyarajah, S. (2021). Modelling and Forecasting of Imports in Sri Lanka: ARIMA model approach, Journal of Business Economics, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 29-36
- Jeyarajah, S. (2021). Review of Recent Studies on Household Livelihood Security, Journal of Business Economics, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, Vol.3, No. 2, pp. 103-111
- Jeyarajah, S. (2020). An empirical study on the import demand in Sri Lanka, ARDL approach. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Research, 6. 6., 87-91.
- Vimalini, N., & Jeyarajah, S. (2020). Influence of Contextual Factors on University Student’s Attitude and Perception Towards Entrepreneurial Intention. MENTOR: The Journal of Business Studies 04(01)2020, 1-17
- Jeyarajah, S., (2019). A Survey of the Evolution of International Trade Theories. IOSR Journal of Economics and Finance (IOSR-JEF), 11(1), pp.51-55.
- Sureshkumar.A., S. Jeyarajah. (2018), Effectiveness of Self-Help Groups (SHGs) In Empowering Rural Women in Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. Int. J. of Adv. Res. 6 (12). 726-733] (ISSN 2320-5407)
- Jeyarajah, S., (2018). “Food Security Status of Marine Fisheries Households in Batticaloa district of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Current Research, 10, (01), 64737-64741.
- Jeyarajah, S., (2016). Livelihood Security of Marine Small-Scale Fisheries Households in Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Humanities and Social Science Invention, 5(8), pp. 09-16.
- Jeyarajah, S., & Santhirasegaram, S. (2015). Socio-Economic Factors Influencing Marine Small-Scale Fishers' Income in the Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. The International Journal of Humanities & Social Studies, 75-79.
- Jeyarajah, S., & Santhirasegaram, S. (2015). An Assessment of Small-Scale fishers livelihoods Status in the Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka. International Journal of Research in Commerce Economics and Management, 66-68.
- Jeyarajah. S., (2022), Sustainable Development Goals and its Achievements and Challenges in Sri Lanka, 2nd International Conference on Recent Development and Innovations in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, held at V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, India.
- Jeyarajah. S., (2022), Are Farmers Economically Stressed out During the Pandemic? , 2nd International Conference on Recent Development and Innovations in Social Sciences, Arts and Humanities, held at V.V.Vanniaperumal College for Women, Virudhunagar, India.
- Yanuthansaly, P., Jeyarajah.S., (2019), Impact of climate change on paddy production in Kokkoddicholai Agrarian Service Center division of Batticaloa district, 9th International Symposium, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 27th, 28th November 2019
- Vimalini, N. and Jeyarajah S. (2019), Influence of contextual factors on University student’s attitude and perception towards the entrepreneurial intention, Annual Research Session, 2019, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University of Sri Lanka, 29th November 2019
- Mahajin.S., Jeyarajah S., (2018), The Impact of interest rates on Economics Growth in Sri Lanka, Jaffna University International Research Conference JUICE 2018, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Resintha.S., Jeyarajah S., (2018), Impact of Vehicle Lease Loans on Living Standards of Debtors in Karaveddi D.S Division of Jaffna District, Jaffna University International Research Conference JUICE 2018, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Jeyarajah. S., (2013), An analysis of sustainable livelihoods assets of fisheries households: A study in the Manmunai North DS division of Batticaloa district, International Conference of Eastern University (ICE 2013), Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jeyarajah S., (2012), Habitat Security of Urban Households in the Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka, Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2012, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Dilaxana.P., and S.Jeyarajah., (2010), Postwar resettlement and their Socio-Economic needs in the Eravur Pattu DS division of Batticaloa district, 9th Annual Research Session, 2010 Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Jeyarajah S., N. Rajeshwaran, T. Prapakaran, S. Balendren (2009), Strategic Approach to improve the poor housing settlements in the Batticaloa city, 8th Annual Research Session, 2009, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Jeyarajah.S., Suresh.K., (2007), Contribution of NGOs on the Post-Tsunami livelihood activities in the Batticaloa district, 6th Annual Research Session, 2007 Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Jeyarajah.S., Kanagasingam.V., Prapakaran.T., (2007) Need Assessment Survey: Relating to the internally displaced persons (IDPs) in the Batticaloa district.
Book Chapters
- Jeyarajah.S., (2014), Tourism Industry Development in Sri Lanka: Contemporary Socioeconomic Issues in Sri Lanka, A Festschrift in honours of late Prof. N. Balakrishnan, Department of Economics, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Jeyarajah.S., (2008), Poverty and Income Inequality in Sri Lanka: Path to Economic Development: An Inquiry-based on Sri Lanka’s Experience, A Festschrift in honours of Prof. N. Balakrishnan, Colombo.
- Jeyarajah.S., (2003) Land Ownership system and its impact on paddy productivity in the Batticaloa district. MPhil theses (Unpublished), University of Peradeniya.
- Jeyarajah.S. (1993), Displacement of refugees in the Jaffna district and their economic, welfare needs 1990-1993, Undergraduate Dissertation (Unpublished), University of Jaffna.
Feature articles in Newsletters and Scientific Magazines
- Jeyarajah.S., (1999) International Trade Theories, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, ELAKKU vol: 2.
- Jeyarajah.S., (2000) Regional trade arrangements, Department of Economics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Coormai vol: 6.
- Jeyarajah.S., (2006) Theory of Markets, Department of Economics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Coormai vol: 13.
- Jeyarajah.S., (2007) Economic Developmen and Challengest of Sri Lanka, Silver Jubilee Publication - 2006, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Jeyarajah.S., (2008) Classical Trade Theories, Maruppu (Magazine) 2008 December, Kaluthavalai Maha Vidyalayam, Batticaloa.
Research Interest
- Livelihoods
- Micro finance
- Tourism
- Trade and development
- Econometrics
- International Economics
- Managerial Economics
- Regional Development
- Meritorious Service Award in the University Service, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, 2022.
- Excellence in Economics, Academic Excellence awards-2022, Awarded by Environmental Advisory for Sustainable Trust, India.
- Best Presenter Award, 2nd International Conference on “Recent Development and Innovations in Social Science, Arts, and Humanities” held at V.V.Vanniperumal College for Women Viruthunagar, India, 22nd April 2022
- World Bank Scholarship for PhD study under HETC Project, 2012-2015
- Sir Arunachalam Mahadeva Memorial Prize for the Best Performance in Special Degree (Economics) in Arts 1992
- University Prize for the Best Performance in Part III Examination in Economics 1991/92
- University Prize for the Best performance in Part II Examination in Economics 1990/91
Positions Held
Administrative Work Experience
- Program Coordinator From 27.10.2023 Master of Development Economics Faculty of Commerce and Management Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Dean From 06.10.2020 to 05.10. 2023 , Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Head From 08.04.2018 to 05.10.2020, Department of Economics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Director From 11.04.2017 to 10.04.2018, University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Program Coordinator From 01.01.2016 to 2018, Master of Development Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Act. Director From 10.01.2017 to 10.04.2017, University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Coordinator From 23.01.2016 to 10.01.2017, University Business Linkage (UBL) Cell, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Head of the Department From 05.12.2008 to 04. 12.2011, Department of Economics, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Coordinator From 01.02.2006 to 2008, Master of Development Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Completed the Second Transitional Training Program under ENACT Project at the George August University of Gottingen, Germany from 16.01.2023- 22.01.2023.
- Completed the Faculty Development Programme on Entrepreneurial Career Development at Sri Sairam Institute of Management Studies, India from 07.04.2019 to 11.04.2019.
- Completed the Capacity Development Training Programme on Basic Counseling Skills at Manonmaiam Sundaranar University, Tirunelveli, India from 29.01.2018 to 02.02.2018.
- Completed the Capacity Development Training Programme at AIT, Thailand from 07.08.2017 to 14.08.2017.
- Faculty Development Program on “Recent Trends in Management” Conducted by Department of Business Administration, Annamalai University, India, 27th September- 4th October 2009.
- Completed training on “Applied Econometrics: a practical approach using E-Views Software” conducted by Center for Banking Studies, Sri Lanka 2013
- Completed training on “E-Learning and online material Preparation” conducted by Eastern University, Sri Lanka from 19th to 28th September 2011.
- Trainers of Trainer (ToT) SIYB- Sri Lanka, April 2005
- Trainers of Trainer (ToT) CEFE- Competence-based Economies through the formation of enterprises, 2004
Participation in Seminar, Workshop, and Academic Works.
- Participated in an Academic workshop on Disrupt Asia 2017: Sri Lanka's Premier Startup Conference and Showcase, Organized by ICTA, Sri Lanka on 12.07.2017
- Participated in a workshop on the Current Status and Future Direction of EUSL, Organized by SDC, Eastern University, Sri Lanka on 25.03.2017
- Participated in a National Event on “Breaking Boundaries to innovate University Business Linkage in Sri Lanka” Organized by GIZ held on 9th September 2016 at Lakshman Kadiragamar Institute of International Relations and Strategic Studies, Colombo.
- Participated in a National Event on “Role of University Business Linkage for Local Development” Organized by the UBL Cell, Uwa Wellassa University with GIZ on 09.08.2016 at Uwa Wellassa University.
- Participated in a workshop on “SMEs Development through University-Business linkages at Eastern University Sri Lanka, in September 2015.
- Participated in a workshop on “Research Methodology for MDE program” conducted by the Postgraduate studies unit, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka, on 26 and 27 of March 2011 at Batticaloa.
- Participated in Workshop on “New Horizons and Strategies for Higher Education” conducted by the Ministry of Higher Education on 02.02.2011 in Colombo
- Participated in a seminar on “Sri Lanka: Reshaping the Economic Geography –connecting people to propriety, Organized by Eastern University, Sri Lanka, and Batticaloa Municipal Council with the support of World Bank on 10 August 2010
- Seminar on “Academia – Exporter/EDB Dialogue on major export products” on 21st December 2009, Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB).
- “The research training workshop for young social scientists” National Science Foundation, Colombo, March 2003.
- Seminar on “Population Policies and reproductive health” Eastern University, Sri Lanka, Sponsored by the United Nations fund for population activities, December 1998.
Resource Person - Seminars, Workshops and Academic Works.
- Served as a Resources Person for the Guru Sisu nenu Paura Teachers’ and Students’ National Programme for the Advanced Level Economics Teachers, and Students Organized by the Ministry of Education, August and September 2022
- Served as a Resources Person for the Capacity Improvement Programme for the Advanced Level Economics Teachers, Organized by the Ministry of Education, 26th October 2022.
- Served as a Resources Person for the Capacity Development Programme for the Advanced Level Economics Teachers, Organized by the Ministry of Education, on 11th and 12th March 2019.
- Served as a Resources Person for the Capacity Development Programme for the Advanced Level Economics Teachers, Organized by the Ministry of Education, 24th -27th May 2016.
- Served as a resource person for the Skill Development Programme for Graduate trainees, Ministry of Economic Development, organized by District Planning Department, Batticaloa.12-17th August 2013.
- Resource Person to conduct Business Management Training Seminars for business Entrepreneurs to the Clients of Sewa Lanka Foundation, World Vision, Help from Germany, UNDP, Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Batticaloa, Sri Lanka Business Development Centre (SLBDC).
- Resource Person to conduct a Leadership and Management Seminar for Social Mobilizers and Community Based Organizations members to the Clients of World Vision.
Curriculum Development
- Member of curriculum development Committee, Faculty of Commerce and Management
- Served as a team member to prepare a curriculum to undergraduate degree program in Tourism Economics and Management, in 2020
- Prepared a curriculum to Commence an undergraduate degree program in Business Economics, in 2008.
- Prepared a curriculum to commence the Master in Development Economics study program in 2006.