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Prof. T. Bhavan


Prof. T. Bhavan
Professor in Economics

Department of Economics
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Telephone: +94 65 2240735 (Office), +94 77 7066326(Mob),



  • PhD - School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
  • M.Sc - Agricultural Economics Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peradeniya
  • B.A. (Hons) - Economics University of Jaffna

Links to Publications



  1. Bhavan, T (2025), " Trade-aid Link: does the Western aid promote Asian exports to Sri Lanka?", International Journal of Development Issues, Vol.24, No.1, pp.55-65.
  2. Zameem, P.M.M. and T. Bhavan (2024) "Barriers to the Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka", Journal of Business Economics, Vol.06, Issue (02), pp. 51-61
  3. Zameem P.M.M and T. Bhavan (2024) "Influence of Managerial and Firm Characteristics on the Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka", MENTOR-The Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 08(02), pg.200-214
  4. Partheepan, K., Musthafa, M.M and T Bhavan ( 2023) " Remote Sensing Investigation of Spatiotemporal Land-use Changes", TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 16(2), 383-402.
  5. Bhavan, T (2023) “The Nexus Between Foreign Direct Investment, Informal and Formal Sectors in Sri Lanka ”South Asia Economic Journal, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 07-19.
  6. Sarila Anoon and T Bhavan (2022) " The relationship between Foreign Aid and Foreign Direct Investment", The Journal of Business Economics and Management Studies (Vanika Vithiyam) JBEMS, Vol.01(01), pg. 41-62.
  7. Maheswaranathan, S. and T Bhavan (2022) "Does Long-run relationship exist between Trade Openness and Carbon dioxide Emissions in Sri Lanka?", Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.10, Issue 03, pp.165-173
  8. Partheepan, K., Muneeb, M M and T Bhavan (2021) " Synthesis of Climate Change and Batticaloa Lagoon: Ecological and Socio-economic Consequences of the Lagoon Ecosystem" Regional Symposium on Disaster Risk Management, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka and DDMC Ampara.
  9. Neshaany, J. and Bhavan, T. (2021) " A Gap Analysis on Tourist Received Service Quality in the Hostel Industry in Trincomalee District", Journal of Business Economics, Vol.01, Issue 01, pp. 36-51.
  10. Nalika K M Jeewanthi and T. Bhavan (2021) " The Determinants of Financial Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Badulla District" Journal of Management, Vol.15 (5), pp.40-47.
  11. Shiyalini, S and T.Bhavan (2021) " Impact of Inflation and Unemployment on Economic Growth: The ARDL Bound Testing Approach for Sri Lanka, Himalayan Economics and Business Management, 2(1), pg.55-62.
  12. Nirojan, K. and T.Bhavan (2020) “Factors Determining The Career Choice Of Arts Graduate Students Of The Eastern University, Sri Lanka-(Special Reference To Batticaloa District), Journal of Business Economics, 2(1), pp.68-75.
  13. Kuspiniya, K. and T.Bhavan (2020) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Sri Lanka”, Journal of Business Economics, 2(1), pp.20-34.
  14. Bhavan, T. (2020) “Is Corruption ‘Grease’ or ‘Sand’ in the Wheels of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in South Asia?", Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.08 (03), pp.185-193.
  15. Bhavan, T.(2019) "Does Inbound Tourism Encourage Trade Deficit In Sri Lanka?",  Asian Development Policy Review 7 (04), 253-260.
  16. Bhavan, T.(2019) " The Economic Impact of Road Accidents: The Case of Sri Lanka", South Asia Economic Journal, 20(1), pg.124-137.
  17. Sariskumar, N and T. Bhavan (2018) " The Impact of Responsible Tourism on Destination Sustainability and Quality of Life in Passikudah Tourism Destination" International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol.03, Issue 11, pg.5933-5959
  18. Bhavan,T.(2018) “The relationship between per capita GDP and road accidents in Sri Lanka: an ARDL bound test approach", Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Volume 8, Issue (7), Pages 238-246.
  19. Bhavan, T.(2017) " Human Capital as a Pushing Factor of Export: The Case of Four South Asian Economies, Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.05, No.04, pg 299-306
  20. Bhavan,T.(2017) “Export market diversification and export performance of Sri Lanka: a cointegration analysis ", Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Volume 7, Issue (4), Pages 75-83.
  21. Bhavan,T.(2016) "The Determinants of Export Performance: The Case of Sri Lanka", International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue (8), Pages 8-13.
  22. Bhavan, T. (2014) “Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Four South Asian Countries”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(12): pg.1770-1783
  23. Bhavan, T. (2013) “Policies and Effectiveness of Foreign Aid: The Case of Sri Lanka “, Asian Economic Financial Review, 3(3):363-376.
  24. Bhavan T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2012) “Growth Effect of Aid and Volatility in South Asia”. International Journal of Development Issues, Vol.10.No.3, pp.204-13.
  25. Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2011). “The Relationship between Foreign Aid and FDI in South Asian Economies”. International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.3. No.2, pp. 143-49.
  26. Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2011). “Determinants and Growth Effect of FDI in South Asian Economies: Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis”. International Business Research, Vol.4, pp. 43-50.
  27. Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2010). “Growth Effect of Aid and Its Volatility: An Individual Country Study in South Asian Economies”. Business and Economic Horizons, Vol.3, pp. 1-9.


  1. Indunil, G.H.H and T. Bhavan (2024) “Effectiveness of Bank Lending Portfolios on the Performance in Manufacturing SMEs”, (Abstract) Annual Research Session of Faculty of Commerce and Management-ARSFCM 2024, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
  2. Diyani, B. and Bhavan, T. (2024) " Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation to Sri Lanka", International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research-ICMR 2024, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  3. Partheepan, K., Muneeb M Musthafa, Bhavan, T. and S. Acharjee (2023) " Remote Sensing and GIS Investigation of Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in the Batticaloa Lagoon Watershed, Sri Lanka", National Seminar on In Quest of a Sustainable Earth, Indian Council of Social Science Research, India.
  4. Jeevanthi  Manike, K.M.N and T.Bhavan (2019) "Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Financial Performance of Small and Medium Entreprises in Badulla District" (Abstract), Annual Research Session of the Faculty of Commerce and Management (ARSFCM-2019), Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  5. Dilani, S and Bhavan, T.(2018) "The Effect of Demographic Factors on Investors' Investment Behaviour", 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2018).
  6. Rimsa, R., Bhavan, T. and Jeyapraba, S.(2018) "The Growth Impact of Tourism in Sri Lanka", 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2018).
  7. Shialini, S and Bhavan, T.(2018) “ Determinants of House Rent in Batticaloa Municipal Area”, 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2018).
  8. Shialini, S. and Bhavan, T.(2018) " Impact of Inflation and Unemployment on Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach", International Research Conference of Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  9. Bhavan, T., (2016). “An Economic Aspect of ‘Ennaich Chinthu’: A Theoretical Justification (Abstract), 1st International Conference, Swami Vipulanatha Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  10. Sharmila, S. and Bhavan, T (2015). “Determinants of malnutrition of children under age five”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Management-ICCM-2015, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
  11. Janarthanan,T and Bhavan,T., (2015) "Education as an Income Poverty Determinant: A Special Reference to Ghandi Nagar Village in Trincomalee District", Annual Reasrch Sesseion, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  12. Bhavan, T. and Maheswaranathan,S. (2012).“ Technical efficiency of Paddy Farmers in Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka”. First International Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka forum of university economists 29th – 20th November 2012. University of Colombo. Colombo. pp. 121-125
  13. Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong and Suresh, K. (2009). Does Optimal Size of Government Expenditure Exist in Sri Lanka? Competitive Management in a Dynamic World, International Research Conference publication, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
  14. Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong. (2010). “Nexus between FDI and Foreign Aid: The Case of Five South Asian Economies”. International Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
  15. Bhavan, T., Suresh, K. (2007). “Impact of ICT on Standard of Living of the People in Batticaloa District: A Comparative Study between Rural and Urban Area”. International Research Conference, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.


  1. K. Partheepan, Muneeb M. Musthafa, T Bhavan (2024) "  Mitigating climate change and its impact on food security by integrating ecosystem services to agroecosystems in Sri Lanka"  Young Scientist Forum, National Science and Technology Commission Sri Lanka,  ISBN 978-955-8630-33-4, pgg. 377-395.


  1. Bhavan, T. (2006). Ageing Population and Its Future Impact on Sri Lankan Economy: Challenges of Sri Lanka in Future, Silver Jubilee Publication, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
  2. Bhavan, T. (March, 2005). Strategy for Poverty Alleviation with the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Coormai, Newsletter, Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.

Research Interest

  • International Financial Flows
  • International Trade 


  • Managerial Economics
  • Environmental Economics
  • International Trade and Finance 
  • Microeconomics
  • Research Methodology in Economics


  • Vice-Chancellor's Award for the Output Based Research-2022
  • Chinese Scholarship Council Award (CSC), 2008

Positions Held

  1. Chairman, Board of Study of Economics, Faculty of Graduate Studies 
  2. Academic Coordinator, BBM External Degree Programme, Faculty of Commerce and Management
  3. Chairman, Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Commerce and Management
  4. Coordinator, Master of Philosophy in Economics (MPhil in Econ.), Faculty of Commerce and Management
  5. Senior Student Counsellor
  6. Director/ Student Support Service and Welfare
  7. Editor-in-Chief/ Mentor-The Journal of Business Studies
  8. Head of the Department, Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University Sri Lanka
  9. Director, Operations Technical Secretariat (OTS), Eastern University Sri Lanka, Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century World Bank Assisted Project, Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka
  10. Chairman, Board of Study, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Centre for External Degree and Extension Course (CEDEC), Eastern University, Sri Lanka
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