Prof. T. Bhavan

Prof. T. Bhavan
Professor in Economics
Department of Economics
Faculty of Commerce and Management
Telephone: +94 65 2240735 (Office), +94 77 7066326(Mob)
- PhD - School of Economics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology (HUST)
- M.Sc - Agricultural Economics Post Graduate Institute of Agriculture (PGIA), University of Peradeniya
- B.A. (Hons) - Economics University of Jaffna
Links to Publications
- Bhavan, T (2025), " Trade-aid Link: does the Western aid promote Asian exports to Sri Lanka?", International Journal of Development Issues, Vol.24, No.1, pp.55-65.
08/IJDI-12-2023-0301 - Zameem, P.M.M. and T. Bhavan (2024) "Barriers to the Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka", Journal of Business Economics, Vol.06, Issue (02), pp. 51-61
- Zameem P.M.M and T. Bhavan (2024) "Influence of Managerial and Firm Characteristics on the Internationalization of Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs) in Sri Lanka", MENTOR-The Journal of Business Studies, Vol. 08(02), pg.200-214
- Partheepan, K., Musthafa, M.M and T Bhavan ( 2023) " Remote Sensing Investigation of Spatiotemporal Land-use Changes", TeMA-Journal of Land Use, Mobility and Environment, 16(2), 383-402.
- Bhavan, T (2023) “The Nexus Between Foreign Direct Investment, Informal and Formal Sectors in Sri Lanka ”South Asia Economic Journal, Volume 24, Issue 1, pp 07-19.
- Sarila Anoon and T Bhavan (2022) " The relationship between Foreign Aid and Foreign Direct Investment", The Journal of Business Economics and Management Studies (Vanika Vithiyam) JBEMS, Vol.01(01), pg. 41-62.
- Maheswaranathan, S. and T Bhavan (2022) "Does Long-run relationship exist between Trade Openness and Carbon dioxide Emissions in Sri Lanka?", Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.10, Issue 03, pp.165-173
- Partheepan, K., Muneeb, M M and T Bhavan (2021) " Synthesis of Climate Change and Batticaloa Lagoon: Ecological and Socio-economic Consequences of the Lagoon Ecosystem" Regional Symposium on Disaster Risk Management, South Eastern University of Sri Lanka and DDMC Ampara.
- Neshaany, J. and Bhavan, T. (2021) " A Gap Analysis on Tourist Received Service Quality in the Hostel Industry in Trincomalee District", Journal of Business Economics, Vol.01, Issue 01, pp. 36-51.
- Nalika K M Jeewanthi and T. Bhavan (2021) " The Determinants of Financial Performance of Small and Medium Scale Enterprises in Badulla District" Journal of Management, Vol.15 (5), pp.40-47.
- Shiyalini, S and T.Bhavan (2021) " Impact of Inflation and Unemployment on Economic Growth: The ARDL Bound Testing Approach for Sri Lanka, Himalayan Economics and Business Management, 2(1), pg.55-62.
- Nirojan, K. and T.Bhavan (2020) “Factors Determining The Career Choice Of Arts Graduate Students Of The Eastern University, Sri Lanka-(Special Reference To Batticaloa District), Journal of Business Economics, 2(1), pp.68-75.
- Kuspiniya, K. and T.Bhavan (2020) “Determinants of Foreign Direct Investment in Sri Lanka”, Journal of Business Economics, 2(1), pp.20-34.
- Bhavan, T. (2020) “Is Corruption ‘Grease’ or ‘Sand’ in the Wheels of Foreign Direct Investment Inflow in South Asia?", Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.08 (03), pp.185-193.
- Bhavan, T.(2019) "Does Inbound Tourism Encourage Trade Deficit In Sri Lanka?", Asian Development Policy Review 7 (04), 253-260.
- Bhavan, T.(2019) " The Economic Impact of Road Accidents: The Case of Sri Lanka", South Asia Economic Journal, 20(1), pg.124-137.
- Sariskumar, N and T. Bhavan (2018) " The Impact of Responsible Tourism on Destination Sustainability and Quality of Life in Passikudah Tourism Destination" International Journal of Social Science and Economic Research, Vol.03, Issue 11, pg.5933-5959
- Bhavan,T.(2018) “The relationship between per capita GDP and road accidents in Sri Lanka: an ARDL bound test approach", Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Volume 8, Issue (7), Pages 238-246.
- Bhavan, T.(2017) " Human Capital as a Pushing Factor of Export: The Case of Four South Asian Economies, Asian Development Policy Review, Vol.05, No.04, pg 299-306
- Bhavan,T.(2017) “Export market diversification and export performance of Sri Lanka: a cointegration analysis ", Asian Journal of Empirical Research, Volume 7, Issue (4), Pages 75-83.
- Bhavan,T.(2016) "The Determinants of Export Performance: The Case of Sri Lanka", International Research Journal of Social Sciences, Volume 5, Issue (8), Pages 8-13.
- Bhavan, T. (2014) “Effectiveness of Foreign Aid in Facilitating Foreign Direct Investment: Evidence from Four South Asian Countries”, Asian Economic and Financial Review, 4(12): pg.1770-1783
- Bhavan, T. (2013) “Policies and Effectiveness of Foreign Aid: The Case of Sri Lanka “, Asian Economic Financial Review, 3(3):363-376.
- Bhavan T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2012) “Growth Effect of Aid and Volatility in South Asia”. International Journal of Development Issues, Vol.10.No.3, pp.204-13.
- Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2011). “The Relationship between Foreign Aid and FDI in South Asian Economies”. International Journal of Economics and Finance, Vol.3. No.2, pp. 143-49.
- Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2011). “Determinants and Growth Effect of FDI in South Asian Economies: Evidence from a Panel Data Analysis”. International Business Research, Vol.4, pp. 43-50.
- Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong (2010). “Growth Effect of Aid and Its Volatility: An Individual Country Study in South Asian Economies”. Business and Economic Horizons, Vol.3, pp. 1-9.
- Indunil, G.H.H and T. Bhavan (2024) “Effectiveness of Bank Lending Portfolios on the Performance in Manufacturing SMEs”, (Abstract) Annual Research Session of Faculty of Commerce and Management-ARSFCM 2024, Eastern University, Sri Lanka
- Diyani, B. and Bhavan, T. (2024) " Impact of Human Capital on Economic Growth: An Empirical Investigation to Sri Lanka", International Conference on Multidisciplinary Research-ICMR 2024, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Partheepan, K., Muneeb M Musthafa, Bhavan, T. and S. Acharjee (2023) " Remote Sensing and GIS Investigation of Land Use/Land Cover Dynamics in the Batticaloa Lagoon Watershed, Sri Lanka", National Seminar on In Quest of a Sustainable Earth, Indian Council of Social Science Research, India.
- Jeevanthi Manike, K.M.N and T.Bhavan (2019) "Influence of Socio-Economic Factors on Financial Performance of Small and Medium Entreprises in Badulla District" (Abstract), Annual Research Session of the Faculty of Commerce and Management (ARSFCM-2019), Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Dilani, S and Bhavan, T.(2018) "The Effect of Demographic Factors on Investors' Investment Behaviour", 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2018).
- Rimsa, R., Bhavan, T. and Jeyapraba, S.(2018) "The Growth Impact of Tourism in Sri Lanka", 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2018).
- Shialini, S and Bhavan, T.(2018) “ Determinants of House Rent in Batticaloa Municipal Area”, 4th Jaffna University International Research Conference (JUICE 2018).
- Shialini, S. and Bhavan, T.(2018) " Impact of Inflation and Unemployment on Economic Growth in Sri Lanka: An ARDL Bounds Test Approach", International Research Conference of Trincomalee Campus, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Bhavan, T., (2016). “An Economic Aspect of ‘Ennaich Chinthu’: A Theoretical Justification (Abstract), 1st International Conference, Swami Vipulanatha Institute of Aesthetic Studies, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Sharmila, S. and Bhavan, T (2015). “Determinants of malnutrition of children under age five”, Second International Conference on Contemporary Management-ICCM-2015, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka.
- Janarthanan,T and Bhavan,T., (2015) "Education as an Income Poverty Determinant: A Special Reference to Ghandi Nagar Village in Trincomalee District", Annual Reasrch Sesseion, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Bhavan, T. and Maheswaranathan,S. (2012).“ Technical efficiency of Paddy Farmers in Batticaloa District of Sri Lanka”. First International Economic Research Conference of the Sri Lanka forum of university economists 29th – 20th November 2012. University of Colombo. Colombo. pp. 121-125
- Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong and Suresh, K. (2009). Does Optimal Size of Government Expenditure Exist in Sri Lanka? Competitive Management in a Dynamic World, International Research Conference publication, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- Bhavan, T., Changsheng Xu and Chunping Zhong. (2010). “Nexus between FDI and Foreign Aid: The Case of Five South Asian Economies”. International Research Conference, University of Kelaniya, Sri Lanka.
- Bhavan, T., Suresh, K. (2007). “Impact of ICT on Standard of Living of the People in Batticaloa District: A Comparative Study between Rural and Urban Area”. International Research Conference, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka.
- K. Partheepan, Muneeb M. Musthafa, T Bhavan (2024) " Mitigating climate change and its impact on food security by integrating ecosystem services to agroecosystems in Sri Lanka" Young Scientist Forum, National Science and Technology Commission Sri Lanka, ISBN 978-955-8630-33-4, pgg. 377-395.
- Bhavan, T. (2006). Ageing Population and Its Future Impact on Sri Lankan Economy: Challenges of Sri Lanka in Future, Silver Jubilee Publication, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
- Bhavan, T. (March, 2005). Strategy for Poverty Alleviation with the Use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT), Coormai, Newsletter, Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University, Sri Lanka.
Research Interest
- International Financial Flows
- International Trade
- Managerial Economics
- Environmental Economics
- International Trade and Finance
- Microeconomics
- Research Methodology in Economics
- Vice-Chancellor's Award for the Output Based Research-2022
- Chinese Scholarship Council Award (CSC), 2008
Positions Held
- Chairman, Board of Study of Economics, Faculty of Graduate Studies
- Academic Coordinator, BBM External Degree Programme, Faculty of Commerce and Management
- Chairman, Faculty Research Committee, Faculty of Commerce and Management
- Coordinator, Master of Philosophy in Economics (MPhil in Econ.), Faculty of Commerce and Management
- Senior Student Counsellor
- Director/ Student Support Service and Welfare
- Editor-in-Chief/ Mentor-The Journal of Business Studies
- Head of the Department, Department of Economics, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Eastern University Sri Lanka
- Director, Operations Technical Secretariat (OTS), Eastern University Sri Lanka, Higher Education for the Twenty-first Century World Bank Assisted Project, Ministry of Higher Education, Sri Lanka
- Chairman, Board of Study, Faculty of Commerce and Management, Centre for External Degree and Extension Course (CEDEC), Eastern University, Sri Lanka
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